NBA stars LeBron James and Stephen Curry 'NOT' to pay a visit to White House: Declines Donald Trump's invitation

Wed Jun,2018
NBA stars LeBron James and Stephen Curry 'NOT' to pay a visit to White House: Declines Donald Trump's invitation Basketball

Is it a backlash to President Donald Trump, canceling the Philadelphia Eagle's visit to the White House?

Cleveland Cavaliers star LeBron James said in a statement, he wouldn't answer the invitation to White House until President Donald Trump is in there.

Joining James, the Golden State Warriors power forward Stephen Curry has also declined Trump's invitation to the White House.

VIDEO: LeBron James and Stephen Curry declines White House invitation

Both James and Curry harshly reacted to the invitation after Trump canceled a White House invitation for Super Bowl champions the Eagles scheduled for this week.

But it's typical of him. I'm not surprised. It's typical of him.

James, 33, said regarding the cancellation of the Eagles invitation to the White House.

Let's not let someone uninviting you to their house take away from that moment, because I think the championship of winning a Super Bowl … or NBA championship is way bigger than getting invited to the White House — especially with him [Trump] in there.

James added.

[I'm] pretty sure the way we handled things last year, [we'll] kind of stay consistent with that,"

Curry who declined last September's Trump's invitation to White House said.

But at the end of the day, like I said, every team has an opportunity to make a decision for themselves and speak for themselves.
